Children Learn and De-Stress Through Playing

Summer has arrived and the outdoors can be your child’s playground. But did you know that playing can be about more than just wearing off some of that endless energy that all kids seem to have? Playing can also be educational. According to the National Association for the Education of Young Children, when children play, they are learning and reducing stress at the same time. 

What They are Learning

They are learning how to be physically active and building up strength and balance. The simple act of running and jumping allows for young children to develop their sense of self and an understanding of how their bodies work. If the child is playing with a friend, they are communicating, both verbally and nonverbally. They could be building (or tearing down) something as a team. They may need to help each other climb, or pick the other up if they have fallen. Maybe they are on a ride together that takes teamwork. Take the Crazy Cups, for example. The more they spin the wheel in the center, the faster the Crazy Cups will spin. The social interaction and discovery of themselves learned through physical play is something that cannot be replaced by what is learned in a traditional classroom.

How They are De-Stressing

A young child soaks up anything and everything they see. They are learning constantly, which is why their environment is so important. And processing all of that information can sometimes be stressful. Even though they are children without the responsibilities that adults have, they can encounter stress. What compounds stress even more for a child is that they don’t understand the concept of stress and therefore, they cannot self diagnose. But physical activity and play can be a stress reliever for children, just as it is for adults. As the National Association for the Education of Young Children points out, “Play helps your children grow emotionally. It is joyful and provides an outlet for anxiety and stress.” For some kids, play is the No. 1 way they learn. Getting outside and having your child discover new ways to play will mean they are discovering new ways to learn. Be an example and show them that you are never too old to play outside either. And if you feel adventurous, plan a trip to Funderland Amusement Park and let them discover the most fun place in the Sacramento region for kids.  You never know what they may learn!

Enter to Win Our All About Mom Giveaway

This season it’s all about Mom! This Mother’s Day, we’re giving you the chance to win a pampering prize pack all moms are sure to love including 4 Funderland season passes, 4 meal vouchers, and a $150 gift card to Massage Envy to help mom feel relaxed and rejuvenated. 

How to Enter:

    • Complete your entry by noon on 5/5/16
    • After you submit your form, you’ll have the opportunity to share the giveaway with your Facebook friends and receive 1 bonus entry for every friend who enters!


All About Mom Giveaway Prize Package Includes:

    • $150 Massage Envy Gift Card
    • 4 Funderland Season Passes
    • 4 Meal Vouchers

*No Facebook account required to enter. Just click here to go straight to entry form.Good luck!

4 Tips to Get Your Kids to Wear Sunscreen this Summer

Summer is fast approaching and with that comes long days at the park, trips to the ocean and amusement parks. What that means is a lot of fun in the sun and parents should remember to protects themselves and their kids against the strong rays that can be harmful to the skin. But not all kids are ready and willing to apply sunscreen when they will be out in the sun. So what is a parent to do?

4 Tips Parents can Use to Get Their Kids to Wear Sunscreen

  1. Talk to them about it often – When you wake up and see that it is bright and sunny outside, take this time to remind them about how it is going to be really hot today and that it is important to protect their skin. When you are out and about and it is sunny, remind them how important it will be for them to wear sunscreen later when they are playing. 
  1. Make it cool – Kids love superheroes. Make them one by fighting the sun. Sunscreen gives them a “protective shield” that makes their skin operate like superheroes’ suit of armor. When they are ready run out the front door ask them if they have their superhero suit on.
  1. Involve them in their own health – This will be a good opportunity to educate them about their health and how taking care of themselves is important. Explain how getting a sunburn can happen and how it is easily preventable. Taking ownership of this might even empower them to not only protect themselves, but also remind you about putting sunscreen on!
  1. Be an example – Don’t give them a reason to remind you to put sunscreen on. If you are going to be outside for a long time with them reach for the sunscreen and begin to put it on yourself before starting anything else. If they see this enough it will become routine and they will expect it.

 Sun Safety tips From the American Academy of Pediatrics For babies under 6 months: Avoid sun exposure and dress infants in lightweight long pants, long-sleeved shirts and brimmed hats that shade the neck to prevent sunburn. However, when adequate clothing and shade are not available, parents can apply a minimal amount of sunscreen with at least 15 SPF (sun protection factor) to small areas, such as the infant’s face and the back of the hands. If an infant gets a sunburn, apply cool compresses to the affected area.For all other children: Stay in the shade whenever possible, and limit sun exposure during the peak intensity hours – between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Wear a hat with a three-inch brim or a bill facing forward, sunglasses (look for sunglasses that provide 97-100 percent protection against both UVA and UVB rays), and clothing with a tight weave. On both sunny and cloudy days use a sunscreen with an SPF 15 or greater that protects against UVA and UVB rays. Be sure to apply enough sunscreen – about one ounce per sitting for a young adult. Reapply sunscreen every two hours, or after swimming or sweating. Use extra caution near water, sand and snow as they reflect UV rays and may result in sunburn more quickly. Even though Funderland Park is well shaded, we encourage all attendees to think about how they will protect themselves against the sun’s rays when they arrive. Once you have that taken care, have a good time!

It’s Our Annual Easter Eggstravaganza!

Our Annual Easter Bash is back and we’re so excited to celebrate this “hoppy” holiday with you! Frolic through the park March 18th (11am-5pm), and March 19th – 20th (10am – 6pm) and enjoy egg hunts, visits with the Easter Bunny, thrilling rides all day, free crafts, candy, and more! Plus when you donate a new game or art supplies to River Oak you can get FREE ride tickets!.

Visit Us During Easter Bash For:

    • $3 egg hunts every 30 minutes*
    • Visit with The Easter Bunny and Happy the Squirrel
    • Let the kids get crafty at our free craft station
    • Free ride tickets when you donate art items & games to River Oak Center for Children (the amount of tickets given is determined by the item received by River Oak).


Visit our Facebook Page to RSVP and share with your friends and family!

*$3 per person and are limited to groups of 30 children. We hold hunts every thirty minutes at the top and bottom of the hour, so everyone can get a turn at finding their eggs. Parents may accompany their children in the hunt area, but will need a ticket if they choose to participate in the hunt.

How to Get the Kids to Put Down the Screens and Pick up the Great Outdoors

About half of parents in the U.S. say their children get too much screen time. And most parents would agree that they prefer their child to be learning and/or playing outside. With the rainy days in Sacramento dwindling and spring and summer quickly approaching, parents should consider planning outdoor activities for their kids. So how do you get the kids to put down the screens and pick up the great outdoors?1. Fly a kite. The Sacramento region is full of parks with expansive grassy areas. A wide open space free from trees is the perfect spot to show your child the magic of flying a kite. Show them how it operates based on the wind’s force and watch their eyes light up with wonder.2. Go on a hike. Based on your child’s age, there is no better way to show them what the great outdoors has to offer than taking them on a hike. Make sure to do your research first – you don’t want to pick a location that is too strenuous for you and your young child. Keep in mind, a “hike” can mean walking along a semi-flat path through an area rich with trees and shrubs. Explain to your child what they see along the way.3. Work on a house project together. Whether it is mowing the lawn, trimming the bushes or hanging a new photo, showing your child how things “work” makes them think and shows them the importance of completing tasks that you begin. If it is raking leaves, give them a smaller rake and let them go at it. Buy them a kids’ tool set and let them build something next to you while you complete your project.4. Let them hang a photo of their choice in their room. Is there something your child really likes? Trains? Planes? Flowers? Take them on a trip to find whatever it may be and let them take a picture of it. Print the photo and bring it home and let them choose where they want to hang it in their room. Giving them ownership of the project will stimulate their imagination and make them more excited about what is on the walls in their room. Watch as they show every friend or house guest “their picture.”5. Let them play in the backyard. First and foremost, make sure the backyard is kid-proofed and safe. Next, get them some outdoor activities they will enjoy. A makeshift sandbox or small pool with toy boats could work. Sidewalk chalk also can come in handy. Sometimes the quickest way to unplugging and letting your child experience the great outdoors is by opening the door to the backyard.6. Visit William Land Park. Land Park is 166 acres of developed space that includes picnic areas, an amphitheater, a rock garden, lakes, a wading pool, and of course, Fairytale Town, the Sacramento Zoo and Funderland. Come see us and enjoy the wonders of what Land Park. Our rides here at Funderland are a regional favorite, and we love making sure families have a great time!Being outside helps kids build up their immune systems, provides exercise, enhances their imaginations and gives them a steady dose of vitamin D. So put down those phones, tablets, and remotes and head outside this month for some good old fashioned FUN!

How to Plant a Garden with Your Kids

Going green isn’t just good for the earth, it’s good for your kids too! Helping your children understand their role in taking care of our beautiful world teaches them responsibility and helps them discover their world in a rich new way. Here are some great ways to plant a garden with your kids this year.

How to Plant a Garden with Your Kids

gardening 101 with kidsGet your tools in toe having the right gardening tools (including ones that are appropriate for your child’s age) will make your gardening experience more enjoyable. We recommend having a small shovel, a handle shovel, a small garden rake, potting soil, a watering bucket (a small one for them, a big one for you) and a few wire trellis.

Prepare your area there are lots of ways to plant a garden nowadays which don’t require a huge amount of space. Raised wooden planters, large planter pots, or recycled barrels are all ways to build a garden. You can even have a vertical garden using hanging planter boxes and a wooden pallet. Don’t forget to figure out where your garden will go before you plant. Things you should look at include the amount of direct sunlight the area receives throughout the day, as well as soil drainage (if you’re planting directly in the ground). If your yard’s soil is clay heavy, you should probably mix 50/50 potting soil in with your natural ground dirt.\n

Pick your favorite plants – now it’s time to pick your perfect garden plants. Some easy & hardy kid friendly plants include:

garening with kidsGive them daily jobs – your kids will probably need reminders to check their plants, clear away weeds, & water daily. It might help to create a simple “Job Board” so they know which day they are responsible for being the “Gardener”. The funnest time of year for the kids is when they get to harvest the crop!  

Look out for bugs – now that you have your garden planted, you might notice your garden is attracting some new visitors! Often beneficial garden bugs are natural predators of the bad bugs! To help you know which critters are good for your garden, and which aren’t, follow this chart: