Funderland Private Party, Corporate, and Event Rentals

Park Private Party, Corporate, and Event Rentals

Did you know you, your organization, or your company can rent the entire park at Funderland outside of our normal public operating hours for private family, friend, organization, team, and company get-togethers and events? Funderland is the perfect outdoor location to celebrate family, organization and team camaraderie, and create strong bonds between coworkers in a family atmosphere. Evenings are an especially magical time to be in the park, and parties can be held from our closing time until as late as 9:00 pm every evening! Call our office at (916) 456-0131, or email us at [email protected], for more information!

Funder-Raising for your School, Organization, or Team!

We put the FUN in fundraising! Looking for a great fundraising opportunity that doesn't involve working your tail off? Then consider renting Funderland for an after-hours event. Your organization will have private use of the park all while generating money at the same time: It's both fun and easy! Rent the park and you are free to set your own admission price as a fundraiser for your school, organization, or team! Add food and drinks to your private party event's sales and your organization can make a substantial profit. Your guests will be happy to support your event both because they know the money goes to support a great cause and they will have a wonderful family evening outdoors in the park together! Next time you start planning your fundraisers for the year consider Funderland and the amount of money you can make for your organization with our “FUNder-raisers!” For more information email us at [email protected] or call our park office directly at (916) 456-0131.

Visitor Comments

I’m impressed by how Funderland caters to families … The great thing is the simplicity. The park size is easily manageable for parents with young kids … Our family is pumped that we finally discovered Funderland Amusement Park and can’t wait to go again.

- Stephanie (Today's Mama)

Our Ratings

YELP - 4/5 Stars

Trip Advisor - 4/5 Stars

Google - 4/5 Stars

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