4 Ways to Show Your Family You Love Them

With Valentine’s Day coming up, you’re probably thinking about what you can do for your family. Here are four simple ideas to get your creative juices flowing:\n\n1. Spend time with your family. \nThis may seem obvious, but it’s important. Go on a walk, go to the park, read to your kids, play games together — these are all easy ways to spend time with your children.\n\n2. Visit a relative you don’t see much.\nIt can be really encouraging when you visit an elderly relative, or just someone you don’t see much. Invite them over for lunch or bring them a plate of cookies.\n\n3. Do something special with or for your family.\nThis can include cooking a special dinner, going out to do something fun together, or staying home and having a family game night. A special treat like this can help break up the monotony of everyday life.\n\n4. Send them a love note.\nA quick note on a post-it in your kid’s lunch box, or in your spouse’s car is a sweet way to say “I love you” and show your family you love them.

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