It’s Our Annual Easter Eggstravaganza!

Our Annual Easter Bash is back and we’re so excited to celebrate this “hoppy” holiday with you! Frolic through the park March 18th (11am-5pm), and March 19th – 20th (10am – 6pm) and enjoy egg hunts, visits with the Easter Bunny, thrilling rides all day, free crafts, candy, and more! Plus when you donate a new game or art supplies to River Oak you can get FREE ride tickets!.

Visit Us During Easter Bash For:

    • $3 egg hunts every 30 minutes*
    • Visit with The Easter Bunny and Happy the Squirrel
    • Let the kids get crafty at our free craft station
    • Free ride tickets when you donate art items & games to River Oak Center for Children (the amount of tickets given is determined by the item received by River Oak).


Visit our Facebook Page to RSVP and share with your friends and family!

*$3 per person and are limited to groups of 30 children. We hold hunts every thirty minutes at the top and bottom of the hour, so everyone can get a turn at finding their eggs. Parents may accompany their children in the hunt area, but will need a ticket if they choose to participate in the hunt.

How to Get the Kids to Put Down the Screens and Pick up the Great Outdoors

About half of parents in the U.S. say their children get too much screen time. And most parents would agree that they prefer their child to be learning and/or playing outside. With the rainy days in Sacramento dwindling and spring and summer quickly approaching, parents should consider planning outdoor activities for their kids. So how do you get the kids to put down the screens and pick up the great outdoors?1. Fly a kite. The Sacramento region is full of parks with expansive grassy areas. A wide open space free from trees is the perfect spot to show your child the magic of flying a kite. Show them how it operates based on the wind’s force and watch their eyes light up with wonder.2. Go on a hike. Based on your child’s age, there is no better way to show them what the great outdoors has to offer than taking them on a hike. Make sure to do your research first – you don’t want to pick a location that is too strenuous for you and your young child. Keep in mind, a “hike” can mean walking along a semi-flat path through an area rich with trees and shrubs. Explain to your child what they see along the way.3. Work on a house project together. Whether it is mowing the lawn, trimming the bushes or hanging a new photo, showing your child how things “work” makes them think and shows them the importance of completing tasks that you begin. If it is raking leaves, give them a smaller rake and let them go at it. Buy them a kids’ tool set and let them build something next to you while you complete your project.4. Let them hang a photo of their choice in their room. Is there something your child really likes? Trains? Planes? Flowers? Take them on a trip to find whatever it may be and let them take a picture of it. Print the photo and bring it home and let them choose where they want to hang it in their room. Giving them ownership of the project will stimulate their imagination and make them more excited about what is on the walls in their room. Watch as they show every friend or house guest “their picture.”5. Let them play in the backyard. First and foremost, make sure the backyard is kid-proofed and safe. Next, get them some outdoor activities they will enjoy. A makeshift sandbox or small pool with toy boats could work. Sidewalk chalk also can come in handy. Sometimes the quickest way to unplugging and letting your child experience the great outdoors is by opening the door to the backyard.6. Visit William Land Park. Land Park is 166 acres of developed space that includes picnic areas, an amphitheater, a rock garden, lakes, a wading pool, and of course, Fairytale Town, the Sacramento Zoo and Funderland. Come see us and enjoy the wonders of what Land Park. Our rides here at Funderland are a regional favorite, and we love making sure families have a great time!Being outside helps kids build up their immune systems, provides exercise, enhances their imaginations and gives them a steady dose of vitamin D. So put down those phones, tablets, and remotes and head outside this month for some good old fashioned FUN!

How to Get Your Child to Drink More Water

Here at Funderland, we get excited about ways to keep you and your family healthy. And one often overlooked way to easily improve health is to make sure your kids are staying hydrated throughout the day. Water is a key to life and overall health, and this is a message that should be engrained in children from a very early age. In fact, a new study shows a significant correlation between lower risk of obesity in elementary and middle school students and higher intake of water.


Choosing water over sugary drinks is something most parents know they should do more often with their children, but sometimes it can slip the mind. So how can parents make sure their kids not only drink water but actually want it?


How to Get Your Child to Drink More Water


1. Keep water front and center – Simply putting water in front of children regularly can create healthy habits. Always offer water first when a child is thirsty and make sure you are drinking water both for your own health and as an example.


2. Empower them – If you are the type of person who prefers buying water bottles, let your child pick which kind to buy at the store. Making them part of the selection process will make it more enticing for them to try their selection. Also consider purchasing a unique set of straws. Letting your child choose from a colorful batch of straws for their cup of water may make them forget all about the fact they wanted cranberry juice instead.


3. Show them water can be cool – Show your child how ice cubes work and have them make their own. Maybe explain how water helps plants grow and have them water the garden. Ask them if they want to grow and be strong like the plants in the garden and the trees around the neighborhood. Explain to your child that water is the most natural thing they can drink and that it is good for everyone. This type of knowledge may even help their friends if they think it is “cool” enough to share.

\n4. You shouldn’t waste it – California has been dealing with a drought for a while. Everyone has learned to conserve water, even us! We’ve removed our Log Water Ride to make way for a water efficient ride & have reduced our sprinkler use as well! So share your conservation efforts with your children and explain that you are doing it because water is very important to the whole family. By showing how much you care about water, they will understand its importance.

Enter to Win Our Birthday Bash Giveaway!

Celebrate your little one’s birthday in true Funder-style with an exclusive VIP party for 20 at Funderland Amusement Park. Birthday party package includes unlimited rideing on party day, a visit from your friend, Happy the Squirrel, 2-hour use of the birthday area, meals & more! You and your guest will party ‘til you drop!


How to Enter:



  • Visit our Facebook page*
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  • Complete your entry by noon on 2/16/16
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  • After you submit your form, you’ll have the opportunity to share the giveaway with your Facebook friends and receive 1 bonus entry for every friend who enters!
  • \n


Birthday Bash Giveaway Prize Package Includes:

\nExclusive VIP Party for 20 (valued at over $1000)\n


  • Unlimited rides for the day
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  • Visit from Happy the Squirrel
  • \n

  • 2-Hour use of birthday area
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  • 20 meal vouchers
  • \n

  • 20 cotton candies
  • \n


*No Facebook account required to enter. Just click here to go straight to entry form.



Good luck!

Announcing Our 2016 Opening Weekend is Here!

We’re excited to announce that our 2016 opening weekend is here! Weather permitting* the park will be open beginning on Jan. 16th. We will be open Saturdays and Sundays from 10am – 5pm during the month of January and will begin extending operating hours to include Fridays in February.\n

We also wanted to thank you for being part of our Funder-family and letting us help make cherished memories year after year with your family. We look forward to many fun-filled days with you during our 2016 season!


See you there!



*Since Funderland is an outdoor park, our operating hours can change throughout the season, and closure is possible due to poor weather.

How to Set New Year’s Resolutions With Your Children

The beginning of the year is the perfect time to make some changes! As New Year’s resolutions become more popular, your children may be more interested in participating in making New Year’s resolutions. Whether you personally make resolutions or not, we’ve gathered a few tips on how to help your kids make resolutions of their own.


Make It a Family Affair


Gather around the table and celebrate the New Year while discussing your resolutions together. Go around the table and have each person share something that they are proud of from the last year, and something they’d like to work on in the upcoming year. Keep the discussion positive so that your children will be more excited to make and keep their resolutions.


When you discuss together, you’ll be able to help each other come up with resolutions. You’ll also be more aware of each other’s resolutions and will be able to encourage each other throughout the year. You can make individual resolutions, family resolutions, or both!


Don’t Push It


If you have a specific item you want your child to work on this year, don’t push them toward it. You can make small suggestions to help them decide what they want to work on. You want this to be a positive experience and not something that they dread.


Make Baby Steps


Make resolutions that you can accomplish with baby steps. For example, instead of saying “I will eat healthier,” make a resolution of eating one serving of fruit or veggies with breakfast and dinner. You’re stepping toward your bigger goal of eating healthier, but it doesn’t seem like such a tough resolution. It makes it easier for children to get excited about it if they have a specific goal rather than a larger, vaguer goal.


Narrow It Down


Children may get a little excited and begin making a long list of what they want to work on this year. The bigger the list, the more difficult it is to keep those resolutions. Help them narrow it down to just a few resolutions that they can focus on.


Be An Example


If you make resolutions with your children, keep them! Children follow in the footsteps of adults, so if you decide to ditch the resolutions, they will too! Be encouraging to them and yourself. You can make a master list of resolutions to hang up in the house as a reminder throughout the year. Your children will see it and be reminded of their resolutions as well.


If one of your resolutions is to spend more quality time with your kids, bring them over to Funderland! Our new season begins Jan. 16 (weather permitting)! We’ll see you there!

Teaching Your Children the Habit of Giving

With the holidays, comes presents. More and more commercials start popping up about this toy and that toy. Stores begin advertising the ‘hot toys’ of the season. These ads are usually directed toward children. How do we make sure they don’t get in the habit of saying “Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!” or “I want! I want! I want!” and begin saying statements like, “I bet Susie would love that!” or, “Can we buy this for Tommy?”


“I want this, this, this, this….”

\nHave you heard this from your kids before? It’s natural for humans to want things. Children are curious, from the time they are infants, they gravitate toward things that look interesting to them. They grab the things that catch their eye. It continues as we get older. Even as adults, we still try to get the things that we want.\n

How Do We Teach our Children to Have a Desire to Give?

\nStarting at a young age, you should begin teaching your children the importance of charity and giving. Though this season usually tends to be focused on charity, we need to teach our children the importance of giving throughout the year rather than only focusing on it during the holidays. We’ve compiled a few different ideas on how you can go about teaching your children to give.\n

Sign up for a local giving tree


There are usually local businesses that have a giving tree. On the tree there are ornaments that have information for different families or children in need. These families don’t have the means to buy toys or much-needed clothes for themselves. Take your child to pick an ornament of their own. Let them help choose what you’ll buy for the family in need. If possible, make sure they are involved in wrapping the presents and dropping them off. Remind them throughout the process of why you are giving to the family in need. Tell them how happy you will make that family.




There is always a need for volunteers to serve food in homeless shelters. There are also several different charities that need volunteers. A good one for families to join would be Meals on Wheels. You deliver food to people who aren’t able to leave their homes to buy groceries. Bring your children along. They will be able to meet the people who you are serving!


Donate unused toys and clothes


Even when we try to avoid it, we usually end up having more toys and clothes than we could possibly need. Have your children go through their toys and pick out the toys that they don’t play with anymore. Have them gather up their clothes that are too small. Donate them to shelters. Remind them that you are giving to families who can’t afford to buy toys and clothes.


Participate in a Toy Drive


During this time of year, there are usually several toy drives going on. Many stores have bins you can put donated goods in. You can teach your child about the toy drive and then have them pick out a toy from the store that they think other children would enjoy. Have your child put the toy in the toy drive box before you leave the store.


Have your children pick out presents for others


Whether it’s Christmas presents, birthday presents or anything in between, letting your children pick out presents to give others is a great way to help them learn charity. One way you can do this is to give them a set amount of money that they can spend. Let them look around the store and pick things out they think the recipient would love. This not only teaches them to give, but also can help them learn the importance of keeping track of their money! You can go to a thrift store for this one so your kids can have more choices!


Lead by example


We all can agree that children learn best by watching others. If we really want our children to learn to be charitable, we have to be charitable ourselves. Even when you don’t think your children are listening, make sure you are always giving. They are usually listening and watching even when you don’t think they are.

\nJust as kids are born to want things for themselves, they are also born wanting to be charitable. I’m sure we’ve all had half-eaten food offered to us, or pacifiers pushed toward our mouths. Children naturally want to give. Somewhere along the line, the selfishness starts to take over. Use these tips to help your children stay charitable.\n

We want to wish all of our customers a happy holiday season! We hope you enjoy spending these precious moments with your families!


Enter to Win the Stuff Your Stockings 3 Park Giveaway!

Dreaming of walking in a Winter Wonderland? Now you can with our fun-tastic Stuff Your Stockings 3 Park Giveaway! Give the gift of fun & family this holiday season with a grand prize including 4 Funderland Season Passes, 1 Mother Goose Membership from Fairytale Town (admits 4), and a 1 Day Pass from the Sacramento Zoo (admits 4). Plus, 10 runner up winners will each receive day passes to all 3 parks! Now that’s something to be jolly about!


How to Enter:



  • Visit our Facebook page*
  • \n

  • Complete your entry by noon on 12/18/15
  • \n

  • After you submit your form, you’ll have the opportunity to share the giveaway with your Facebook friends and receive 1 bonus entry for every friend who enters!
  • \n


Stuff Your Stocking 3 Park Giveaway Grand Prize Package Includes:



  • 4 2016 Season Passes to Funderland (includes unlimited rides and discounted food/beverages)
  • \n

  • 1 2016 Mother Goose Membership to Fairytale Town (includes free admission for 4 people ages 2 and older)
  • \n

  • 1 day pass to the Zoo (good for 4 1-day admissions, 6 ride tickets, and 2 10% off coupons for the gift shop/cafe)
  • \n


10 Runner Up Winners Prize Package Includes:



  • A day pass to the zoo (good for 4 1-day admissions)
  • \n

  • 4 VIP passes for 1-day admission to Funderland
  • \n

  • 4 Day passes for 1-day admission to Fairytale Town
  • \n


*No Facebook account required to enter. Just click here to go straight to entry form.


Good luck & happy holidays!

For a Limited Time – Save $15 Off 2016 Season Passes

All aboard! We’ve got your ticket to FUN! Purchase your 2016 Season Passes by Dec. 31 and save $15 off the regular price. Season Pass Holders get great perks like:



  • Unlimited riding all year long
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  • 10% discount on food and Birthday Party Packages
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  • Half priced weekday wristbands for 1 friend (exclusions apply)
  • \n

  • Season Pass Holder only event & specials
  • \n

  • Discounts on food and beverages & more!
  • \n


Visit our Season Pass page for more details or call 916-456-0131 to purchase today! You can also email in**@fu************.com

Family Dinners Have Positive Impact on Kids

With Thanksgiving upon us, food becomes a frequent topic of discussion. What should you make? How long do you bake the turkey again? What is Aunt Ruth’s favorite pie? Regardless of what is made, the time together giving thanks and talking amongst each other as a family is an important time for many and can result in lasting memories.


Family Dinners Aren’t Just for Thanksgiving


Research shows that finding time in the hectic school/work week for regular family dinners can have some rewarding benefits. In fact, there is a direct link between the frequency of family dinners and the quality of a child-parent relationship. The study found that compared to teens who have infrequent family dinners, teens who have frequent family dinners are:



  • One-and-a-half times more likely to say their parents know a great deal or a fair amount about what’s really going on in their lives.
  • \n

  • Five times less likely to say their parents know very little or nothing at all about what’s really going on in their lives.
  • \n

  • Almost one-and-a-half times likelier to say they have an excellent relationship with their mother.
  • \n

  • One-and-a-half times likelier to say they have an excellent relationship with their father.
  • \n


It is important to set the precedent early in life with younger children, so that traditions and expectations are established by the time the teen years are reached. So start having family dinners as soon as you can as parents. And make sure to put those smart phones and tablets down! Your children are so much more important than whatever is happening online.


As you look around the table this Thanksgiving, take notice of the smiles and conversation happening and think about trying to have a smaller scale version of that dinner more frequently. It could be better for the whole family.

Save $20 Off 2016 Season Passes

Looking for the perfect gift for the kids (or kids at heart) this holiday season? How about Season Passes to Funderland, for all year long fun! Buy now and save $20 off the regular price (regularly priced at $79.95). In addition to unlimited rides during 2016, Season Pass Holders also get great perks including:\n


  • 10% discount on food and Birthday Party Packages.
  • \n

  • Half priced weekday wristbands for 1 friend (exclusions apply)
  • \n

  • Season Pass Holder only event & specials
  • \n

  • Discounts on food and beverages & more!
  • \n

\nVisit our Season Pass page for more details or call 916-456-0131 to purchase today! You can also enter to win our current giveaway until 11/19/15 where you could win 4 Season Passes & more!

Enter to Win Our Thanksgiveaway

Time for turkey, stuffing, family and friends! Our Thanksgiveaway is back so don’t miss it! One winner will receive 4 Funderland Season Passes for the upcoming 2016 season PLUS a $150 Raley’s gift card to help you prepare the perfect Thanksgiving feast!


How to Enter:



  • \n

    Visit our Facebook page*


  • \n

  • \n

    Complete your entry by noon on 11/19/15


  • \n

  • \n

    After you submit your form, you’ll have the opportunity to share the giveaway with your Facebook friends and receive 1 bonus entry for every friend who enters!


  • \n


Thanksgiveaway Prize Package Includes:



  • \n

    $150 Raley’s Gift Card


  • \n

  • \n

    4 2016 Funderland Season Passes (valued at over $300)


  • \n

\n \n

*No Facebook account required to enter. Just click here to go straight to entry form.
