How to Get Your Child to Drink More Water

Here at Funderland, we get excited about ways to keep you and your family healthy. And one often overlooked way to easily improve health is to make sure your kids are staying hydrated throughout the day. Water is a key to life and overall health, and this is a message that should be engrained in children from a very early age. In fact, a new study shows a significant correlation between lower risk of obesity in elementary and middle school students and higher intake of water.


Choosing water over sugary drinks is something most parents know they should do more often with their children, but sometimes it can slip the mind. So how can parents make sure their kids not only drink water but actually want it?


How to Get Your Child to Drink More Water


1. Keep water front and center – Simply putting water in front of children regularly can create healthy habits. Always offer water first when a child is thirsty and make sure you are drinking water both for your own health and as an example.


2. Empower them – If you are the type of person who prefers buying water bottles, let your child pick which kind to buy at the store. Making them part of the selection process will make it more enticing for them to try their selection. Also consider purchasing a unique set of straws. Letting your child choose from a colorful batch of straws for their cup of water may make them forget all about the fact they wanted cranberry juice instead.


3. Show them water can be cool – Show your child how ice cubes work and have them make their own. Maybe explain how water helps plants grow and have them water the garden. Ask them if they want to grow and be strong like the plants in the garden and the trees around the neighborhood. Explain to your child that water is the most natural thing they can drink and that it is good for everyone. This type of knowledge may even help their friends if they think it is “cool” enough to share.

\n4. You shouldn’t waste it – California has been dealing with a drought for a while. Everyone has learned to conserve water, even us! We’ve removed our Log Water Ride to make way for a water efficient ride & have reduced our sprinkler use as well! So share your conservation efforts with your children and explain that you are doing it because water is very important to the whole family. By showing how much you care about water, they will understand its importance.

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