Park Updates: Our New Funderland Ride Progress

Hello Folks!

\nIt looks like things are finally starting to fall into place! Our newest ride, which will be named by one of you good people, should be operational before the official start of summer if all goes according to plan. At this point we have gone through all the necessary steps: we removed the Log Run (we will miss it); repaved the new ride area, and pathway back to the future in-park bathrooms; fenced the new ride area; had our new ride themed by Shane Grammar from SG Studios; and had our engineer sign off on the new ride. Now all that we have left are some finishing touches, a few ride parts, and an inspection by the State of California to let us operate. Again, if all goes well we should be opening our new ride in the next few weeks.\n\nMy creative streak for naming rides is just about depleted, so we thought it would be fun if we let one of you come up with the name of our new ride. We will be holding a contest where you can submit your name for the new Funderland ride, and have the opportunity to win an exclusive birthday party package. Keep watching our website and our Facebook page for all the details.\n\nOur next steps for progress in the park are to revamp our birthday areas, as well as add an additional area where the old mini Stanford Mansion now sits. I have a funny story about that old mansion that I will have to tell everyone about in another blog post, but I have to sign off for now. Talk to everyone soon!\n\nSincerely,\nSam Johnston

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