Teaching our Children to be Brave

We all want our children to be brave. Not so brave that they’re not safe, of course! But brave enough to try new things and experience the great adventures awaiting them in Life. There are a few ways that we can help our children learn this kind of bravery.


Be a Role Model


Our children are always watching us and imitating us. It’s up to us to stop and think about what kind of example we are setting for them. Do we show bravery to them when it’s time to try something new or something we’re scared of? Show your child the different ways that you are brave and they will learn to follow your example.


Listen and Talk


Sometimes we assume that our children are scared of something for no reason and try to push them into doing it. Take the time to talk with your child and ask him what his reasons are for being afraid, Show him that you care enough to take the time to listen and help him work through any unreasonable fears.


Expose Gradually


If there’s something that your child is afraid, like roller coasters, consider taking baby steps toward facing that fear. Since Funderland has free admission, bring your child in just to walk around, look at the rides, see other children having fun, and have a picnic. Assure her that you will not be going on any rides during that visit. After that successful visit, come back again, but only try rides that aren’t as intimidating, like the Carousel and the Funderland Train. Stop by the Flying Dragon Roller Coaster only to watch. The next time, try to see if your child is willing to consider giving the roller coaster a try, but don’t push her until she feels ready.




When your child displays bravery in some form, take the time to notice and talk about it. Praise him for making a brave choice and facing a fear or facing something that makes him uncomfortable. As you continue to encourage your child’s brave choices, he will naturally want to try more new and scary things.


We encourage you to bring your brave children out to Funderland to experience the fun to be had in our local amusement park. And don’t forget – we’ve got an after school special going on through June 12!


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