Thank you Ella!

The other day we got the sweetest email from Ella via her grandmother DD.  I think we may have a number one fan on our hands despite our Train being closed for repairs 🙂  Take a quick read… any email that starts out with “you rock” must be a good one!\n

Dear Funderland,


You rock.  My cousin Danica came from Brentwood to spend the day with me.  We are both four years old.   I am Ella, and my Grandma DD does whatever I want her to do and is writing this thank you letter for me.  We know the  place to go is Funderland near the Sacramento Zoo in Land Park next to the pony rides.  It’s a gorgeous hot day and we find a shady parking place right in front under the trees.  




Admission to  Funderland is free there are lots of places to walk around and picnic tables to sit at.  We buy  the all day wristbands  for Ella and Danica, so we can ride anything we want as many times as we want.  We get cotton candy because nobody spins it a better than Funderland.  




First we have to ride the Flying Chinese Dragon roller coaster.  Danica isn’t quite tall enough to ride alone, but she can ride with me, Ella ,because I am two inches taller.  The dragon is  painted all glisteny green, purple and red.  It roars around the curves of  mountainous track.  Swirling force pushes us into our seats.  We stretch our  hands into the air above our heads and scream joyously  as loud as we can. Nobody cares.  At last the dragon stops.  We get out…and we go again and again and again.  Finally we get the front seat right behind the dragon’s head.  We are the dragon.  Wow!




The Carousel horses are elegant. My father used to ride them.   Grandma DD has to stand next to Danica and her horse because Danica is short, but I, Ella, ride alone and choose a pony with a saddle with hearts on it.  All of us glide through the air  to the beautiful music.



We get snow cones.  Cherry and Grape.  Because the temperature is 95 degrees all our snow cones are free!



We want to ride the Funderland Train, but it is closed today. Danica and I spin around on the Crazy Cups till we are dizzy.  We get more snowcones.




Then we go to the Wild Stage Coach for a long, long, ride. We fly small biplanes. Somebody takes our picture.   We ride backwood buggies – we steer our buggy like Mr. Toad’s wild ride.  Then we ride the logs through the waterfall a couple times for a cooling splash.  




Oh dear.  Suddenly it’s 5pm and time to go say thank you and goodbye to Funderland.  How could it happen all so suddenly?  We will be back again before school starts.  This is along letter, but it was our best day of the summer.  




So I guess you know we had a Great Day.  See you again soon




Ella, Danica, and Grandma DD







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