What Being a Mom Really Means

As moms, we often get stuck in the day-to-day tasks that govern motherhood and wonder what in the world we’re doing. Some of these tasks are wonderful like those sweet moments when your kids are playing nicely with each other, when they’re using their manners, and when you’ve gotten all your housework down before noon (which means you’ll have the chance to actually sit down and play with your kids today!) Other moments are tough and exhausting like when you’re up all night with a sick child, when your kids are bickering non-stop, and when you’re late (again) for an appointment. During the good and not-so-good moments, don’t forget what it really means to be a mommy.\n

Being a Mom Means:



  • Responsibility is your middle name. You’re responsible for shaping, inspiring, encouraging, and loving the most sweetest kids in town. Although this task can weigh heavy on your shoulders, what joy it also brings! No words can describe the pride you feel when your son hits his first base run, or when your daughter’s solo in her class recital is adorably off key but she’s signing with all her might. Take pride in this responsibility, being a mother will be your most important job in life.
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  • You wear a lot of hats. You’re a nurse, teacher, cook, house cleaner, referee, chauffeur, and counselor. It also means you’re an adventure tour guide, scientist, entrepreneur, obstacle course pro, artist, and a best friend.
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  • Knowing your best is enough. There is no perfect mother, although some of us might swear we know one or two of them. Every mom doubts, fears, feels guilt, loses patience, and makes mistakes. But that’s not what define you as a mother. Since no one is perfect, how can we expect to achieve perfection in motherhood? Love and be gracious to yourself.
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  • You’re #1 to someone. Although sometimes they may not act like it or know how to show you, your kids absolutely adore you. No one else can ever take the place of “Mommy” in their hearts.
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\nThe goal of every mom is to raise healthy happy kids, not perfect kids. So no matter what your background is, what mistakes you’ve made, or what situation you’re facing now, remember what being a mom really means.

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