
Fun Ways to Spend Valentines Day with Your Kids!

Valentines day is usually thought of as a day for romantic love, But as a day devoted to love, what better way to celebrate it as a day devoted to family? It doesn’t have to cost a lot or be an over the top celebration, just set some time aside to focus on your family and tell them you love them! Here’s a list of ideas that we’ve compiled that we think can help!

Spread The Love!

Everyone has at least heard of “The Painted Rock” movement. but if you haven’t, People of all ages are painting funny, sweet or inspirational rocks and hiding them for strangers to find. The goal is to spread joy or a little laughter for everyone. It’s a fun way to not only get involved with the community, but an easy way to get the family involved! Collect rocks with your little ones and have a Valentines day themed painting party! After you’re done, spread the love and hide them around town for unsuspecting strangers to find for a Valentines Day pick-me-up!

Surprise Hearts! 

Another way to make your kids feel extra loved this Valentines Day is to give them little surprises of hearts! Attack them with little homemade hearts that are covered with all the reasons you love them and cover their bedroom door, in their backpack and their jacket pockets! It’s always a nice little surprise to be reminded why you’re so great and that you’re loved, especially on Valentines Day.

Read All About It!

Personally, one of my favorite things to do near any holiday with my kid is to take a trip to the library and find as many themed story books as we can! We always have a blast reading themed stories and never fail to learn a thing or two! Plus, It’s free!

Funderland Valentines Day Cards!

Duh! I know it’s no secret that exchanging Valentines is a great way to spend Valentines day, but these are not your average Valentines! These printable cards (which you can find here) not only tell your little ones how much you love them, but it also comes with the opportunity to show them as well! It also acts as a coupon to buy one weekday wristband, get one FREE! That’s a full day of free riding for them during the week! Or if you happen to have plans that week, you can instead get four free tickets with a purchase of ten for a fun quick outing to start or end your weekend!

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