June “Ride Quiz” Giveaway

Who’s ready for June’s Giveaway?! We had such an awesome response from May Giveaway that we went straight into planning one for the next month. We can’t wait to show you what we’ve come up with this time!

For our June Giveaway, we decided to add a little fun into the mix. You might be asking yourself, “What could possibly be more fun than May’s Giveaway of spreading the word via Facebook comment how great of a time I have at Funderland? How could you brighten my day even more than waking up each morning for a whole week knowing I have yet another chance to win prizes that will bring joy to a special little person in my life?”

Well the answer is…

A super fun and interactive quiz that will tell you which Funderland ride you would be!

Yes you heard that right – not only can you win prizes to ride the rides, now you can BE THE RIDE. Have you ever wanted to bring joy to little boys and girls but never knew how exactly you would do it? Well, now you can see what method would work best! Will you be our Spinning TeaCups and spin children around till their bellies feels like they stuffed more butterflies than popcorn in there? Will you be our Red Baron who soars above the clouds and makes kids forget about being afraid of heights? Will you race the Flying Dragon around it’s track so fast kids will think they are in another time zone?

Find out now with a click of a button! Begin the quiz below to get your answer and at the end of the quiz, be sure to submit your email address to be entered for a chance to win TWO SEASON PASSES! Giveaway dates will last today (Wednesday 6/7/17) through next Wednesday (6/14/17).

This giveaway will work a little differently from last months, where instead of each day being a new entry, we will accumulate all the email submissions throughout the week into one drawing for a single winner to be drawn on the 14th. If you are already on our email newsletter list from subscribing pre-quiz, you can still enter to win by submitting it again at the end of the quiz. We will accept one submission per person (submitting your email more than once will not enter you for additional chances to win). Commenting on any Facebook posts or this blog will not directly enter you to win; you have to become a ride to be entered!

Please feel free to share your results on Facebook or twitter at the end of the quiz to spread the fun to others and let the world know what ride you are!

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